On Saturday 20th August we are hosting another Buglife Scotland Strathmore People & Pollinators event, this time a yoga session with local teacher, Cheryl Lang
The class begins at 10.30am and will be in one of our meadows next to the woodland, allowing you a sense of the natural world around you as you gently work though poses with Cheryl. As many of us know, taking exercise out of doors, in a space where we can become aware, and enjoy the company of the living things around us can provide added benefit and enjoyment.
The class is around 1hr 45 minutes and it is free (though booking is essential)! It is another chance be part of the Buglife Strathmore People & Pollinators project which is itself part of their extraordinary B-Lines project.
You will have to book a place at Eventbrite if you would like to come along; just visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/390984795047 to book and find out more