Wildflowers for Hedgerows


A tall mix of wildflowers for areas of light shade beside hedges or in woodland clearings.

2g / m2
OR 12kg / acre
OR 30kg / hectare


Wildflowers for Hedgerows (SCF4)

100% wildflower mix

A tall mix of perennial and biennial and one annual (Yellow Rattle) wildflowers and grasses for areas of light shade beside hedges or walls or in woodland clearings. There are 19 wildflower species in this mix. Mix as PDF

*Many wildflower plants are inedible &/or toxic, in particular, all parts of the Foxglove plant are toxic.


Common name %


% wildflowers  
Campanula latifolia FIND OUT MORE Giant Bellflower 0.5
Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed 12.5
Cruciata laevipes Crosswort 7.5
Digitalis purpurea* FIND OUT MORE Foxglove 5
Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet 12.5
Geum urbanum Herb Bennet 12.5
Geranium sylvaticum Wood Cranesbill 5
Hypericum perforatum FIND OUT MORE St Johns Wort 2.5
Knautia arvensis FIND OUT MORE Field Scabious 5
Leucanthemum vulgare FIND OUT MORE Ox eye Daisy 5
Primula vulgaris FIND OUT MORE Primrose 0.5
Rhinanthus minor FIND OUT MORE Yellow Rattle 5
Scrophularia nodosa Common Figwort 0.5
Silene dioica FIND OUT MORE Red Campion 9.5
Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort 5
Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort 0.5
Teucrium scorodinia Wood Sage 1
Torilis japonica Upright Hedge Parsley 7.5
Vicia sepium Bush Vetch 2.5


Additional information

Weight N/A

site type

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plant height

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